//CS Malonza Meets With Standing Senate Committee On Land, Environment, And Natural Resources- 3/2/2023

CS Malonza Meets With Standing Senate Committee On Land, Environment, And Natural Resources- 3/2/2023

The Cabinet Secretary (CS), Hon. Peninah Malonza, has this afternoon made her presentation to the standing Senate Committee on Land, Environment, and  Natural Resources on the Ministry’s functions, objectives, policy direction, major projects & programmes, challenges, and legislative gaps, in Mombasa.
One of the pertinent issues the CS raised, is the increased Human-Wildlife Conflicts because of inadequate water and pasture, as a result of climate change. This has led to a backlog of over KES. 5 billion in compensation, against a budget allocation of KES 960 million.
The CS lobbied for additional budgetary support from the Senate Standing Committee to reduce the human-wildlife conflict compensation backlog.
The CS was accompanied by Ag. Director General Kenya Wildlife Service, Dr. Erustus Kanga, CEO Wildlife Research and Training Institute, Dr. Patrick Omondi, Ag. Wildlife Secretary,Dr. Ngene, and other Ministry officials.
By | 2023-02-07T08:21:02+00:00 February 7th, 2023|News&events|0 Comments

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