//Wildlife Principal Secretary signs Performance Contract with Ministry Officials – September 22, 2023

Wildlife Principal Secretary signs Performance Contract with Ministry Officials – September 22, 2023

In line with the government directive that all Public officers sign Performance Contracts outlining their targets, the Principal Secretary (PS) for the State Department for Wildlife (SDW), Ms. Silvia Museiya on 20th September signed performance Contracts with Heads of Departments. Signing of the Performance Contract aims to promote efficient & effective delivery of services to Kenyans by setting specific targets to be achieved within a specified time to meet the needs and expectations of the citizens.

Ms. Museiya said the officers need to be familiar with the targets they were signing for and ensure implementation within the indicated period. The PS directed Heads of Departments to adopt systems that are innovative and friendly to user needs. She directed public officers to implement government directive on digitization of services and ensure the services are available on E-Citizen Platform. 

She reiterated the need for teamwork as key to achieving the objectives of the government.

“It is my responsibility to provide the required leadership in designing suitable plans and strategies that will contribute to high and sustainable socioeconomic development. In this regard, I will ensure that this State Department executes the Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) that will contribute to foreign exchange earnings to stabilize the Kenya shilling and contribute to employment creation, conservation management and sustainable use of wildlife” said the PS. This, she noted, will be realized through having a credible strategic plan and performance contract that will deliver the desired goals.

By | 2023-09-22T10:53:31+00:00 September 22nd, 2023|News&events|0 Comments

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